Automate - Upgrading to Rampiva Automate 7

The material in this document is for informational purposes only. This guide assumes that the most recent version of Rampiva Automate is in use unless otherwise noted in the prerequisites or introduction. The products it describes are subject to change without prior notice, due to the manufacturer’s continuous development program. Rampiva makes no representations or warranties with respect to this document or with respect to the products described herein. Rampiva shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the use of this material or the products described herein.


This article covers recommended considerations prior to upgrading to Rampiva Automate version 7 from version 6.


  • Local Administrative privileges to install software

  • Internet connection to download software

  • Microsoft SQL Administrative privileges (if applicable)

Upgrading Rampiva Automate

A. Considerations


Upgrade In-Place from 6 not possible

Because there are several changes to the services, an upgrade in-place from the previous version is not available. Instead, you will have to uninstall the previous version and install version 7. This will maintain the databases and config.yml files, but will reset the runService.bat files from Scheduler and EngineServer, as well as the user under which the services run.

Prior to uninstalling the old version, take note of the -Xmx settings in runService.bat for Scheduler (as a precaution make a copy of this file), and take note of the service accounts under which the Rampiva services run on Scheduler and the Engine Servers.

After installing the new version, update the -Xmx settings in runService.bat for Scheduler, and update the service account for the Rampiva services run on Scheduler and the Engine Servers.


Bundled Java

The installer now comes with a bundled Java. The bundled Java will be updated with each new Rampiva version.

If you are currently using the Java bundled with the Nuix Engine and have loaded custom certificates in the Java keystore, you will have to either:

  1. Add the certificates to the Rampiva Java installation from C:\Program Files\Rampiva\Automate\java\jre11 every time you update Rampiva.

  2. Continue using the Java version bundled with the Nuix Engine. To do this, ensure that the Execution Profile specifies the Java location. Additionally, for the Engines to initialize correctly when using an NMS license source in CLS Relay mode, also configure the Execution Profile for each Engine,

  3. For Engines, you can specify this in the Execution Profile. For Engines to initialize with the NMS in CLS Relay mode, this Execution Profile needs to be used during the Engine initialization as well, outside of running a Job. We now have the option to specify an Initialization Execution Profile for each Engine under Initialization Execution Profile.


Standalone OData Server

The installer now offers the option to install a standalone OData Server. This is optional, and can reduce the memory usage on the Scheduler service when the utilization database is large.

If you are hosting the utilization data on the Scheduler server (default installation), then the Standalone OData Server needs to be installed on the same server that’s running Scheduler.

If you redirected the utilization data to Microsoft SQL, you have the option of installing Standalone OData Server on either the same server that Scheduler runs or on a separate server. In this scenario, you will need to update the config.yml of this service to point it to the SQL database.

The Standalone OData Server only supports Internal authentication, and all users defined in the Internal authentication section in the config.yml of the Standalone OData Server have access to all utilization data, irrespective of the security policies defined in Automate. As the name implies, this service runs standalone and only requires access to the utilization database.

When using the Standalone OData Server, it’s recommended to disable the OData query feature that is available in Scheduler, to make sure that this is not accidentally used by older versions of PowerBI dashboards with Data source settings that were not updated. To disable the OData query feature in Scheduler, add the following line in the Scheduler config.yml:

 enableUtilizationEndpoint: false


OData date-range query

The utilization data can be queried for a specific time period, use the before and after URL parameters in the OData endpoint.

For example, to only query the utilization records for 2022, use the following datasource in PowerBI:

Different PowerBI files can be configured to synchronize data using different date-ranges.


New features

Rampiva Automate version 7 has several new operations and features, including:

  • Microsoft Purview collections

  • Call API operation (designed to facilitate making API calls from workflows to third-party services, or to Scheduler)

  • PowerShell operation (designed to facilitate running PowerShell scripts and making use of Rampiva parameters)

  • Relativity management operations

Consult the documentation related to these new features and operations and reach out to support for questions related to integrating these features and operations into workflows.

B. Upgrade Steps


Take note of the memory settings used to run the Scheduler service, in the C:\Program Files\Rampiva\Automate\Scheduler\runService.bat file.

If you did not modify the memory settings of the Scheduler service, this step can be skipped.

If desired, make a backup copy of this file.


Take note of the account (Log On As) under which the Rampiva Scheduler and the Rampiva Engine Server services run, on both the Scheduler server as well the Engine Servers.


Backup the Automate database.



Uninstall the Rampiva Automate version 6 on all servers.



Download and install Rampiva Automate version 7 on all servers, from



Update the memory settings used to run the Scheduler service, in the C:\Program Files\Rampiva\Automate\Scheduler\runService.bat file. See the note taken at step 1.


Update the account (Log On As) under which the Rampiva Scheduler and the Rampiva Engine Server services run, on both the Scheduler server as well the Engine Servers. See the note taken at step 2.



If the OData Standalone Server was installed, update the configuration of the service by modifying the config.yml file for this service, located at C:\ProgramData\Rampiva\Automate\ODataServer\config\config.yml


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