Automate - Examples for Running in Containers
The material in this document is for informational purposes only. This guide assumes that the most recent version of Rampiva Automate is in use unless otherwise noted in the prerequisites. The products it describes are subject to change without prior notice, due to the manufacturer’s continuous development program. Rampiva makes no representations or warranties with respect to this document or with respect to the products described herein. Rampiva shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the use of this material or the products described herein.
This article provides example commands for running Rampiva Automate in Docker containers under Windows. These commands should be used as examples and adapted to configure and run Rampiva Automate in containers in your environment.
Microsoft Windows
A. Run Rampiva Scheduler
docker run --name rampiva-automate-scheduler -p 81:80 -e RAMPIVA_API_KEY=secretKeyGoesHere -e RAMPIVA_AUTH_INTERNAL_USERNAME=admin -e RAMPIVA_AUTH_INTERNAL_PASSWORD=pass -e RAMPIVA_AUTH_INTERNAL_ENABLED=true -v D:\data:/var/data -v D:\cases:/var/cases -v C:\Temp\logs:/var/log/rampiva -d nuix/rampiva-automate-scheduler:8.0.0-preview
Command-line flag | Notes | |
1 |
| Name the container |
2 |
| Publish container port |
3 |
| Set the API key used to communicate between Rampiva components to |
4 |
| Set the username to log in with during the initial configuration |
5 |
| Set the password to log in with during the initial configuration |
6 |
| Enable the logging in with the hard-coded username and password |
7 |
| Map the host folder |
8 |
| Map the host folder |
9 |
| Map the host folder |
10 |
| Use the Scheduler image version |
B. Run Rampiva Native Engine and Nuix Engine Server
docker run --name rampiva-automate-engine-server -p 8080:80 -e RAMPIVA_API_KEY=secretKeyGoesHere -v D:\data:/var/data -v D:\cases:/var/cases -v C:\Temp\logs:/var/log/rampiva --ulimit nofile=10000:10000 -d nuix/rampiva-automate-engine-server-nuix:8.0.0-preview_a.b.c.d
Command-line flag | Notes | |
1 |
| Name the container |
2 |
| Publish container port When configuring the Engine Server in Scheduler, point it to http://host.docker.internal:8080 |
3 |
| Set the API key used to communicate between Rampiva components to |
4 |
| Map the host folder |
5 |
| Map the host folder |
6 |
| Map the host folder |
7 |
| Increase the number of descriptors allowed per process, required for the Nuix Engine. |
8 |
| Use the Engine Server image version |
C. Run Rampiva Native Engine Server
docker run --name rampiva-automate-engine-server -p 8080:80 -e RAMPIVA_API_KEY=secretKeyGoesHere -v C:\Temp\logs:/var/log/rampiva -d nuix/rampiva-automate-engine-server:8.0.0-preview
Command-line flag | Notes | |
1 |
| Name the container |
2 |
| Publish container port When configuring the Engine Server in Scheduler, point it to http://host.docker.internal:8080 |
3 |
| Set the API key used to communicate between Rampiva components to |
4 |
| Map the host folder |
5 |
| Use the Engine Server image version |
D. Run Rampiva Scheduler the Rampiva native Engine Server in a single container
Command-line flag | Notes | |
1 |
| Name the container |
2 |
| Publish container port |
3 |
| Set the username to log in with during the initial configuration |
4 |
| Set the password to log in with during the initial configuration |
5 |
| Enable the logging in with the hard-coded username and password |
6 |
| Use the AIO image version |
E. Run Rampiva Scheduler with database redirection to MS SQL
Command-line flag | Notes | |
1 |
| Name the container |
2 |
| Publish container port |
3 |
| Set the API key used to communicate between Rampiva components to |
4 |
| Set the username to log in with during the initial configuration |
5 |
| Set the password to log in with during the initial configuration |
6 |
| Enable the logging in with the hard-coded username and password |
7 |
| Set the SQL store charset |
8 |
| Set the SQL JDBC driver |
9 |
| Set the SQL store username |
10 |
| Set the SQL store password to |
11 |
| Set the SQL JDBC URL to use the SQL server |
12 |
| Use the SQL store to record the Centralized Logging records |
13 |
| Use the SQL store to record Utilization records |
14 |
| Map the host folder |
15 |
| Map the host folder |
16 |
| Map the host folder |
17 |
| Use the Scheduler image version |
F. Run Rampiva Proxy
Command-line flag | Notes | |
1 |
| Name the container |
2 |
| Publish container port |
3 |
| Map the host folder |
4 |
| Use the Core image version |
5 |
| Run the command |