The material in this document is for informational purposes only. This guide assumes that the most recent version of Rampiva Automate is in use unless otherwise noted in the prerequisites. The products it describes are subject to change without prior notice, due to the manufacturer’s continuous development program. Rampiva makes no representations or warranties with respect to this document or with respect to the products described herein. Rampiva shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the use of this material or the products described herein.
This document outlines the process of installing the Rampiva Automate on Amazon Linux 2.
Amazon Linux 2
A. Deploy Dependencies
1 | Install OpenJDK 11. | sudo amazon-linux-extras install java-openjdk11 |
2 | Download the Nuix Engine. Get the latest release version from If using a Linux installation without a graphical interface, use another computer to download the engine and transfer to the Linux system. | ls engine-dist-linux-x86_64- |
3 | Unzip the Nuix Engine. | tar -xvf engine-dist-linux-x86_64- |
4 | Move the contents of the Nuix Engine files to | sudo mv engine-dist-linux-x86_64- /opt/nuix-engine |
5 | Clean-up the installation files. | rm engine-dist-linux-x86_64- |
6 | Install the Nuix Engine dependencies listed at Some dependencies might not be readily available as yum packages for Amazon Linux 2. As an alternative, see the KB article for installing Automate on Ubuntu: Automate - Install on Ubuntu Linux | |
7 | Update the nofile limits. | echo '* hard nofile 10000' | sudo tee -a /etc/security/limits.confAutomate |
B. Install Rampiva Automate
1 | Download the latest Rampiva Automate. Get the latest release version from | wget -O |
2 | Install unzip. | sudo apt install unzip |
3 | Unzip Rampiva Automate. | unzip -d automate |
4 | Update the end-of-line character of the installer script to Unix. | cd automate vi +':w ++ff=unix' +':q' ./ |
5 | Run the installer. | chmod 755 ./ sudo ./ cd .. |
6 | Clean-up the installation files. | rm -rf automate rm |
C. (Optional) Configure the Rampiva Scheduler Service
1 | Open the Scheduler config.yml file for editing. | sudo nano /etc/rampiva/automate/scheduler/config/config.yml |
2 | Update the apiSecret value with and random value that will be the same on the Scheduler and all Engine Servers. | Sample beginning of configuration file: apiSecret: a228a905-d0cf-4955-8420-4923f1d78bdc runScheduler: true # Uncomment to enable Login with hardcoded credentials - for testing only internalCredentials: displayName: Internal credentials: - username: temp-admin password: h@d751255n1 userSessionTimeout: 900 |
3 | By default, no authentication mechanism are enabled. For testing, enable the internalCredentials mechanism. | |
4 | Manually start the Scheduler service. | sudo /opt/rampiva/automate/ |
5 | Confirm that the service started successfully by browsing to the Scheduler webpage. By default, Scheduler listens on HTTPS on all network interfaces. You can access Scheduler using the computer name or IP, for example | |
6 | If the webpage is not accessible, inspect the Scheduler logs. | tail -f /var/log/rampiva/rampiva-scheduler.log |
7 | Stop the manually started Scheduler service. | |
8 | Create a service file for Scheduler. | sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rampiva-scheduler.service File contents: [Unit] After=network.service [Service] ExecStart=/opt/rampiva/automate/ [Install] |
9 | Reload the SystemD configuration and configure the service to start automatically at boot. | sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable rampiva-scheduler.service |
10 | Reboot the system and confirm that the service starts. | sudo systemctl status rampiva-scheduler.service |
11 | Log on to Scheduler and deploy a valid Rampiva license. For instructions on how to request a Rampiva license, please see Automate - Request and Apply a License | |
12 | Open the Settings → Execution Profiles panel, and edit the Default Profile with the following settings:
Df not using AWS FSx for data storage, update the paths to the data and cases folders accordingly. |
E. (Optional) Configure the Rampiva Engine Server Service
1 | Open the Engine Server config.yml file for editing. | sudo nano /etc/rampiva/automate/engine-server/config/config.yml |
2 | Update the apiSecret value with the value used in the Scheduler configuration file. | Sample beginning of configuration file: apiSecret: a228a905-d0cf-4955-8420-4923f1d78bdc runServer: true nuixFlags: -Dnuix.logdir=/var/log/rampiva |
3 | Optionally, if the Engine Server is running on the same system as Scheduler, change the default HTTPS port from 443 to another port. When using the Engine Server as part of an AWS Remote Worker setup, the Engine Server must listen on the default port 443. | |
4 | Manually start the Engine Server service. | sudo chmod 755 /opt/rampiva/automate/ sudo /opt/rampiva/automate/ |
5 | Confirm that the service started successfully by browsing to the Engine Server webpage. By default, Engine Server listens on HTTPS on all network interfaces. You can access Engine Server using the computer name or IP, for example An Unauthorized error message is expected when browsing directly to the Engine Server page, as the Engine Server can only be controlled through Scheduler. | |
6 | If the webpage is not accessible, inspect the Engine Server logs. | tail -f /var/log/rampiva/rampiva-engine-server.log |
7 | Stop the manually started Engine Server service. | |
8 | Create a service file for the Engine Server. | sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rampiva-engine-server.service File contents: [Unit] After=network.service [Service] ExecStart=/opt/rampiva/automate/ [Install] |
9 | Reload the SystemD configuration and configure the service to start automatically at boot. | sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable rampiva-engine-server.service |
10 | Reboot the system and confirm that the service starts. | sudo systemctl status rampiva-engine-server.service |
E. (Optional) Configure Amazon FSx Lustre
1 | Install the Lustre client according to the AWS instructions from . | sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y lustre2.10 |
2 | Create a Lustre file system if one is not already available. | |
3 | From the AWS file system console, retrieve the attach instructions. | Sample instructions: sudo mkdir /fsx sudo mount -t lustre -o noatime,flock /fsx |
4 | Run the attach commands. | |
5 | Confirm that the Lustre file system was mounted correctly. | mount | grep fsx Sample output: on /fsx type lustre (rw,noatime,flock,lazystatfs) |
6 | Create a script file for mounting the Lustre file system at boot. | sudo nano /opt/aws/ Sample file contents (adjust based on attach instructions): #!/bin/bash mount -t lustre -o noatime,flock /fsx sudo chmod 755 /opt/aws/ |
7 | Create a service file for mounting the Lustre file system at boot. | sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/fsx-lustre.service File contents: [Unit] After=network.service [Service] ExecStart=/opt/aws/ [Install] |
8 | Reload the SystemD configuration and configure the service to start automatically at boot. | sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable fsx-lustre.service |
9 | Reboot the system and confirm that the file system was mounted correctly. | mount | grep fsx |